For your generous support use below:
Account Details :
Pratima Potturu
Canara Bank,
Gandhinagar Branch,
Savings Account Number: 0848101031771
IFSC Code : CNRB0000848
Hyderabad,500080,Andhra Pradesh, India
Cheque Name: The Philadelphia Ministries
Address : # 1-3- 1026/A/4, Gandhinagar,
S.B.I ColonyHyderabad,
Telangana, India
Zip Code : 500080
We appreciate that you made right choice in donating for our ministry of God's work as it is most precious in sight of God than spending your earnings for worldly things.This support of yours would be used for our Philadelphia Ministries Rural Ministry,Children Orphan Home, Church planting, Gospel Preaching and Soul Winning.
Proverbs 3:9
Honour the Lord with
your wealth and with the firstfruits of your crops (income)